电视个性 - 澳大利亚
1981, Melbourne, Australia
- 每年: NT$40,742,196.00
- 每月: NT$3,395,183.00
- 每周: NT$783,503.77
- 每日: NT$156,700.75
From the moment you arrived on this page, Hamish Blake has earned:
This summary is provided by Wikipedia
《雪人》(英語:)是由英國作家雷蒙·布力格 於1978年在漢彌頓出版社 所出版的繪本。1982年,此書被改編成26分鐘長的動畫,並於12月26日播出;動畫是由於英國第四頻道的開辦,因而委任英國首席動畫公司 製作,並由戴安‧傑克森 所執導。
Wikipedia page about 雪人 (繪本)来源
- Picture: Hamish_Blake_and_Andrew_G_-_Joker_Poker_2005.jpg: Joker Poker derivative work: Basilicofresco, Wikipedia — Attribution (CC BY)
- Text: Andomoney
- Text: Who.com
- Text: Wikipedia
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2023-6